A strategic alliance with Metro Fitness makes good business sense!
Whether you are an employee trying to “fit” fitness into your busy workday – or an employer looking to offer your team members a valuable benefit while indirectly improving your bottom line – Metro Fitness corporate memberships just make good business sense! Whether you partner with Metro Fitness by arrangining a custom corporate membership rate for your employees -- or engage us to turnkey your corporate wellness program for you -- Metro can help you:
Recruit & retain top talent
Help employees achieve an optimum work/life balance
Boost productivity, morale, energy
Reduce insurance costs
Decrease absenteeism
Improve your bottom line
Eliminate the cost of establishing your own ‘corporate gym’ -- which can be difficult to set-up, maintain, staff, and equip at your own expense!
(Shown on the left - 2023 CorpFit Champions Timber Banks)
Metro's Corporate Wellness Programs include...
Free employee memberships, based on your annual & scalable corporate rate
state-of- the-art exercise equipment & Metro smart tech
About Metro's CorpFit Service
Metro Fitness is proud to provide on-site services for our corporate clients. These services are 100% customizable and may include:
on-site fitness classes
employee cultural and interest surveys
lunch and learns
team challenges
ergonomic evaluations
health/biometric screenings
functional movement screenings
CPR/AED and first aid training
special events -- like our CorpFit challenge or 6-week nutrition program!
worksite safety assessment
doctor for a day
personal training
stress management
on-site gym management services
Metro Club check-in challenge rewards
monthly activity challenges
and health seminars
We are also a wellness provider for members of MACNY, who will be happy to share with you their association's experience with us! (MACNY's President, Randy Wolken, is shown here with Metro's founder, Randy Sabourin.)
Ask about Metro Fitness “CorpFit” today!
Want a custom-tailor a corporate fitness program for your business? As a partner in helping you create a healthier workplace, Metro Fitness is dedicated to improving the health and performance of your most valuable asset: Your people!